Earlier we covered a few solutions to fix Generic Host Process Win32 Services error. Here is one more solution that requires you to close ports 445 and 135 on your PC/computer.
Fixing Generic Host for Win32 Process and svchost.exe errors.
To close Port 445:
- Click Start >> Run, to open the Run dialog box
- Here, type regedit to open the registry
- Navigate to the following registry key – HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> System >> CurrentControlSet >> Services >> NetBT >> Parameters
- On the right-hand pane find the option TransportBindName.
- Double click on TransportBindName and delete the existing default value.
- click Ok
- Click Start >> Run, to open the Run dialog box
- Here, type regedit to open the registry
- Navigate to the following registry key – HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> software >> microsoft >> Ole
- On the right hand window pane find an option called EnableDCOM
- Double-click EnableDCOM and change the value from Y to N
- click Ok
- Close the Registry Editor and restart your computer
- Click Start >> Run, to open the Run dialog box